St James’ Church has been supporting mission partners working overseas and in UK for many years.  The support is in prayer for all, and regular finance for most. Recently extra support has been given to some of them for relief of hardship during the pandemic and just before the pandemic extra funds were raised to supply a ventilator to a hospital in northern Pakistan where one of our partners is working.

10-15% of the church’s regular income is designated for giving away.  The support given varies between partners. Some depend significantly on our support in place of any salary to be able to do the work they do. Other partnerships include giving funds towards their work projects regularly or occasionally. The work done varies from translation of the Bible, training of Christians and provision of Christian literature, to support of education, health and development for disadvantaged people of all ages. We also channel one-off gifts through the church, as in the case of disaster appeals.

Our current partners are:


(formerly Christian Blind Mission), Worldwide and Helen Sinkinson, Operational Development Manager at cbm International.

The Frésard Family

serving through Wycliffe Bible Translators work in West Africa:  Find out more about Wycliffe here 

Jigsaw Kids Ministries 

the Philippines and Tim Lee through CMS

Seeta Gurung

training young Christians through DAI in Nepal

Anbesan Hoole 

working as a doctor in Pakistan.
