Talks tagged with ‘kingdom of God’

110 of 39 items

Messages in Mark’s Gospel – 5. A paralysed man


Mark 2:1-12  Mark speaks about the authority of Jesus to forgive sins demonstrated in the healing of a paralysed man.  In this Jesus declares his divinity – that he is the Son of God and has such authority.  Here too Jesus shows his ability to look into the human heart.  When God reigns in our […]

6. Alive in Christ


Dipping our toes into Romans. Romans 6:1-14 The Christian life is not a competition in which, in our own effort, we strive to attain a standard.  Grace is the undeserved privilege of being made right with God. Paul re-echoes these truths here in Romans 6, that we are made alive in Christ.  His basic message to […]

5. The Kingdom of God is judgement


Luke 19:11-27 The kingdom of God comes with an announcement of judgement.  Luke includes the story of a master who goes away to be made king and who returns to inaugurate his kingdom.  it works as a counter to the unexpected way in which Jesus demonstrates his kingship.

3. The Kingdom of God is an invitation


This is the third talk in a series about the Kingdom Of God and how Jesus describes how it is open to all who would come. The Great Banquet Luke 14:15-24 Jesus tells the story of a great banquet and how all the invitees turn down their invitations, but how, nevertheless, the banquet will go […]

What is the Kingdom of God?


Introduction The coming of the kingdom of God was Jesus’ central message.  Everything else in the gospels is a way of illustrating what that means. Nature: righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17) Context: God’s reign and his rule (Believers are to be subjects of God’s kingdom). Expresion: values counter to the […]

Hope Into Action

Guest Speaker Ed Walker of Hope in Action shares about the organisation which provides homes for the homeless through the local church.

Frontline Sundays 3

In this third in the series of ‘Frontline Sundays’ Jan Smith looks at ‘Whatever we do’ using a reading from Colossians 3:15-24 in which Paul describes the kind of community God is calling us to be.  Paul offers to us a new way of seeing our daily work as mattering to God.  The phrase ‘whatever […]

Finding faith on the Emmaus Road


Luke 24:13-35.  Peter’s challenge is to hear the Bible story with more questions—not just ones that question the facts, more the kind that ask, “How does this relate to me?” “What can I learn from this story today?” “What is God saying to me?” As these bewildered Disciples start home for Emmaus they are deep […]

3. ‘A Radical Faith’ Nehemiah


Peter explores the first three verses of the book of Nehemiah chapter 2 in which the king notices Nehemiah’s countenance and he takes the risky step of explaining the sadness of his heart.
