Talks by Peter Cunliffe

2130 of 94 items

Knowing God thro’ OT Prayer 6

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Learning more about the God of heaven and earth, the God of the space and time, through the prayers of his faithful people and receiving the love and grace that is now ours in Christ Jesus. Peter and Rosie Cunliffe speak about Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem. 1 Kings 8:22-53.  […]

Knowing God thro’ OT Prayer 5

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Learning more about the God of heaven and earth, the God of the space and time, through the prayers of his faithful people and receiving the love and grace that is now ours in Christ Jesus. In Psalm 51 we find, through King David’s prayer, God who justifies.  To grasp what’s going on its helps […]

Knowing God thro’ OT Prayer 4

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Learning more about the God of heaven and earth, the God of the space and time, through the prayers of his faithful people and receiving the love and grace that is now ours in Christ Jesus. If you are struggling with the disappointments this pandemic has brought – no work, lost hopes, an indeterminate wait, […]

Knowing God thro’ OT Prayer 3


Learning more about the God of heaven and earth, the God of the space and time, through the prayers of his faithful people and receiving the love and grace that is now ours in Christ Jesus. This , the third in the series, is at an all-age service.  The children had a recap of the […]

Knowing God Thro’ OT Prayer 2

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Learning more about the God of heaven and earth, the God of the space and time, through the prayers of his faithful people and receiving the love and grace that is now ours in Christ Jesus. Jacob’s life of struggle and his encounter with God at Peniel is the subject for learning about prayer from […]

Knowing God Thro’ OT Prayer

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Prayer and the character of God; this is the first in a series ‘Knowing God through Old Testament prayers‘. Learning more about the God of heaven and earth, the God of the space and time, through the prayers of his faithful people and receiving the love and grace that is now ours in Christ Jesus. […]

Bold witnesses

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Peter and Rosie Cunliffe each speak from Acts 4:1-22 about the boldness of Peter’s witness and the work of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of the ‘Cornerstone’.  This recording gives a taster of ‘Church at Home’ and includes the full reading from Acts 4. Songs, interviews and prayers are not included.

Finding faith on the Emmaus Road


Luke 24:13-35.  Peter’s challenge is to hear the Bible story with more questions—not just ones that question the facts, more the kind that ask, “How does this relate to me?” “What can I learn from this story today?” “What is God saying to me?” As these bewildered Disciples start home for Emmaus they are deep […]

Easter Day zoom


This third Zoom service was over subscribed.  “Sorry” to those who did not get in.  We will make the narrow gate a little wider for next Sunday. We had about 150+ people in all on 100 devices. Here is a taster with Peter’s address from John 20;  ‘Recognising You’ by Amy Scott Robinson, Richard Lyall of […]

Clay Pots

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Zoom Church A recording of part of our first ‘Zoom’ gathering with members of St Margaret’s and St James’ congregation. We read from 2 Corinthians 4:5b-18.  With Rosie and Peter reflecting on the Scripture. Interview with the Latimer family in the first week of lockdown.
