Talks tagged with ‘divine authority’

110 of 26 items

Messages in Mark’s Gospel – 6. The Sabbath


In this talk Allen summarises the authority of Jesus as expressed in Mark chapters 1 and 2 goes on to explain Sabbath and Jesus authority over that.  He explains that the fourth commandment is about us and God’s gift of a day of rest as we are created in God’s image.  The religious leaders at […]

Messages in Mark’s Gospel – 5. A paralysed man


Mark 2:1-12  Mark speaks about the authority of Jesus to forgive sins demonstrated in the healing of a paralysed man.  In this Jesus declares his divinity – that he is the Son of God and has such authority.  Here too Jesus shows his ability to look into the human heart.  When God reigns in our […]

Frontline Sunday 5


In this last of the series of Frontline Sundays we read from Hebrews 10:19-25.  Motivating one another and gathering together was all the more poignant on the Sunday before a second ‘lockdown’ was to begin.  Allen Foster reviewed the series reminding us that we are God’s elect, scattered and exiled.  We hold hope together with […]

Knowing God thro’ OT Prayer 7

Learning more about the God of heaven and earth, the God of the space and time, through the prayers of his faithful people and receiving the love and grace that is now ours in Christ Jesus. The prayer of Elijah in 1 Kings 18:19-40 is explored by Jan to teach us how we might pray. […]

3. ‘A Radical Faith’ Nehemiah


Peter explores the first three verses of the book of Nehemiah chapter 2 in which the king notices Nehemiah’s countenance and he takes the risky step of explaining the sadness of his heart.

Love the Lord your God

Sid Bridges explores Deuteronomy 6:4-16 after being asked to speak on the passage 15 years previously when first coming to St James as the Youth Minister.  The story of the Children of Israel briefly is mapped and the question asked, “What happened in Massah?” When God seems absent how do we respond?  When we doubt […]

All that Jesus said and did – Matthew 21:12-17


Coming  immediately after Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem we hear his welcome of the least and the outcast, are reminded that the Temple was the place of God’s indwelling, and that its rightful purpose was being abused.  As temples of God’s Holy Spirit the Believer is reminded that blessing comes when we use our bodies […]
