If we haven’t been able to speak with you in person please drop us an email with your contact details and we’ll contact you. We’d like to keep you informed of what’s going on in the life of the church. Please sign up for the weekly email as a starter, you find it at the bottom of that page.


We believe in the baptism of infants of believing parents and believers baptism-by-immersion for new adult Christians. If you would like to find out more please click here.


This affirms an individual’s commitment to follow Jesus and is for many a significant milestone. 

Electoral Roll

The Electoral Roll is the official membership list of St James’ as presented to the Diocese. Members on the Electoral Roll are able to nominate, be nominated and vote for Parochial Church Council and Deanery Synod membership.  These are important bodies which help provide the governance of the church.  PCC members are also our trustees as St James’ is registered as an independent charity.

Application may be made after being here for six months. Forms are available from the Parish Office or by clicking here.

Get Involved

The Church can only thrive through the active involvement of its members.  Please ask a member of our staff team how you can get involved in the mission and ministry of St James’ and speak with anyone you see doing something that interests you.

Upcoming Events:

Easter Fair!
19th April 10am – 3pm on Vicarage Fields.
There will be bouncy castles, refreshments, an easter egg hunt activity and a craft!

Maundy Thursday Agape Supper

17th April 2025 7.00pm

Join us at the Parish Centre following the service at St James, please sign up by clicking the link below, we need to no numbers and special dietary requirements for catering purposes.

Event Details
