What is it?

Baptism is a significant part of the life of a family with important promises to follow Jesus as well as expressing a commitment to make St James a regular part of your life.
To have your child baptised is to say that you and your family are committed to following Jesus, and to bringing your child up to follow Him. Your child would be beginning a life-long journey of faith, with you and their godparents to help them on their way.

Who is it for?

Baptism for children and infants is for believing parents who are committed to being part of Christ’s church, making St James’ their home and take an active part in the life of the church.

The service:

Baptisms are held during a church service, so that the congregation can welcome them into the church family. In turn the church will promise to support and pray for you and/or your child.

Thanksgiving Service

At the birth or adoption of a child, many parents feel that they would like to say ‘thank you’ to God for a new life and a new addition to the family. The Service of Thanksgiving for the birth of a child offers an opportunity to do just that. A Thanksgiving Service forms part of the main Sunday Service where you and your child will be prayed for, and there is no need to make any public promises to God, which you may not yet feel ready to make.

Adult Baptism

We love to celebrate an adult’s baptism. Here, a course such as Christianity Explored is a useful preparation, and a minister will also look at the commitment you would make and discuss this – and any other questions. Contact a minister or the Church Office to talk this through.

For more information please contact the Church office: 01480 467250,
or email: admin@churchbytheriver.org.uk.
Please complete the baptism application form