Thinking about getting married at St James’ or St Margaret’s?  We’d like to help.  Your wedding is an important day in your lives, and we want to do all we can to make the marriage service a really special part of your day.  Please contact our vicar, Rev. Tim May, for further information.  If you do not live in the parish you may have a qualifying connection.  If you are unsure, you might like to come to a 10am service on a Sunday morning at St James and introduce yourself to the vicar over a cup of coffee. Rev. Tim May would be glad to meet any couple on a Sunday morning at the 10am service thinking about getting married here.

Wedding Application form for St James’ Church & St Margaret’s Church

Please do not make any bookings based on a date before you have confirmed this with the church.

If you are marrying in another Parish Church but need your banns read at St James’ please complete and return a banns_application.

Legislation requires clergy to see evidence of British nationality.

At your first appointment UK Nationals are required to bring a full valid Passport, IF NOT please see Marriage Evidence Form.

Please also bring along a current UK Driving Licence, a bank statement or utility bill to verify your address and if you don’t live in the parish evidence of your qualifying connection and  proof of current use of name.

Following the UK’s exit from the EU free movement ended meaning that EEA citizens and their family members will require permission to enter and remain in the UK.  

What do the changes mean for Anglican weddings?

Any wedding taking place in the Church of England on or after the 1st July 2021 where either or both of the parties are non-UK/Irish nationals and who do not have Settled Status or Pre-Settled Status under the EUSS will only be able to take place on the authority of an SRC (or a Special Licence).

FULL DETAILS HERE, with link to Home Office advice.

In order to speed up your application please arrange your first meeting after you have obtained the necessary documentation.  Please telephone if you are having any difficulty.

If one or both parties is not a British citizen they cannot marry by banns or common licence.  The couple must attend a Register Office for civil preliminaries and obtain a Marriage  Schedule.  If this applies to you please arrange to see the vicar first to obtain agreement for marriage in church and a provisional date. With this provision you will need to meet again once the Marriage Schedule is obtained.

If you require a visa to enter the UK you are subject to immigration control are required to give notice at a Designated Register Office.  You will need to provide a letter of consent to marry in the church from the vicar. Please be aware that the waiting period is a minimum of 28 days and can be extended by the Home Office to 70 days.  You will be told how long you may have to wait.

The Marriage Service

You can find an idea about the structure of the order of service here

For more ideas and good links visit the Church of England’s wedding site.


If you would like to know more about the church bells or have questions about having them rung at your wedding please see the ‘Bell Ringing‘ page or contact Sharon Williams.