Keswick Watch Party! 27th – 31st July

27th July 2020 – 31st July 2020

Come to the parish centre and watch the kids steam in the morning and the youth stream in the evening. You will need to sign up to come and watch. Or watch at home at Contact for more details.

Event Details

Christmas Day

25th December 2019 10:00 am

Celebrate the Birth of the Saviour on Christmas morning in a church brimming with joy. We will hear from God’s word, children show their toys, Christmas Quiz, Christmas Video message, and lots of joyful singing.  Bring you family along, everyone is welcome.

Event Details


24th December 2019 4:00 pm

On Christmas Eve we recall the Nativity story and sing familiar carols.  Children make up a nativity tableaux at the end of the service. For families with younger children.

Event Details


22nd December 2019 4:00 pm

A traditional service for families with younger children in support of the Children’s Society.  Please come prepared to give.  Each child we make their own Christingle to take home.

Event Details
