The bell ringers are a friendly diverse group of people from a variety of backgrounds who come together to enjoy bell ringing. We ring 8 bells for Sunday services and weddings and for special village occasions. Our main practice is held every Wednesday evening from 7.30 – 9pm with a special earlier practice just for learners when required.
Visitors can be assured of a warm reception and we always welcome those wanting to learn to ring. Our teaching follows the Association of Ringing Teachers (ART scheme) and we follow an accredited program.
You can find out more information about our bells and bell ringing at
Please contact the Tower captain Sharon Williams if you would like to learn to ring, if you have a team who would like to ring the bells of St James’ or if you have questions about having the bells rung for your wedding at either St James’ or St Margaret’s.

History of the Bells
On Sundays, and on special occasions, 8 church bells ring out, telling villagers that a service is about to begin. There were originally 5 bells, which were recast and increased to 6 in 1724 by Thomas Eayre, the Kettering bell founder. In 1556 the sound of bells saved the life of Robert Langley, lost in thick mist over St Ives meadow near the river. In gratitude he bequeathed one shilling a year in perpetuity to each of the bell ringers. (England has over 5,000 towers with bells and people of all ages volunteer to ring them.)
There was once a graceful spire but on the 8th September 1741 a hurricane blew it down. What was left was levelled off. Eight ball finials were placed on the angles and a splendid cock weather-vane surmounted all. This gives the Church its unique outline.