Talks by Peter Cunliffe

3140 of 94 items

3. ‘A Radical Faith’ Nehemiah


Peter explores the first three verses of the book of Nehemiah chapter 2 in which the king notices Nehemiah’s countenance and he takes the risky step of explaining the sadness of his heart.

‘Trusting God’ Introducing Nehemiah


Introduction to new sermon series ‘Trusting God’ in the story of Nehemiah.  Setting the context from Ezra and Jeremiah.  Reading from Ezra 1:1-8 and suggesting that reading or listening to both books Ezra and Nehemiah would be helpful to seeing the whole picture from which we seek to learn what God would say to us […]

1 John 3:1-3 Children of God now


1 John 3:1-3 Peter develops what it means that we are children of God in the series in First John. Our experience of our earthly father may make a stumbling block to accept God as a father.  As people we need to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth about God’s nature to us.  […]

1 John 1 – Confessing our sin


Continuing the series from 1 John 1:8-2:6. Human failure to acknowledge our sinfulness is a failure to recognise both our nature, as those who are created, our Creator. God has provided the means by which we may be restored in his image. The outcome of that restoration is to live our lives (walk) reflecting the […]

All that Jesus said and did – Matthew 21:18-27


Peter speaks about the integrity of the text and the significance of Jesus words and actions when seen in the context of the Old Testament’s prophetic expectations.  The effect of slicing the text into paragraphs and verses with interpolated paragraph headings often distracts from the bigger story.  Here faith and doubt are juxtaposed in a […]
