Advent Sunday
Rev Peter Cunliffe speaks from Isaiah 2:1-5 and Matthew 24:36-66 “As in the days of Noah”
Rev Peter Cunliffe speaks from Isaiah 2:1-5 and Matthew 24:36-66 “As in the days of Noah”
Christ the King Sunday, Peter speaks about the plea of the thief on the cross. The lectionary for this Sunday was Colossians 1:11-20 and Luke 23:37-43. With thanks to Scott Hoezee of Calvin Theological Seminary for inspiration. The kingdom of God is expressed now whenever the People of God live lives that reflect the desire, purpose […]
Third in our series on prayer. Readings were from Psalm 86:1-17 and Colossians 3:1-4 Peter speaks about prayers as like answering speech and our need to respond first to what God has spoken. To familiarise ourselves with prayer as answering speech we need to immerse ourselves in the God speech as we find it expressed in the […]
As we talk about prayer over the coming Sundays let’s be clear we are looking to the Bible as the source of our encouragement to engage with the Lord God, YHWH, the God and father of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayer is engaging God in relationship with him, a relationship that has been brought about by Jesus. It is personal, an expression of that relationship with God who has become our Father – having adopted us as his dearly beloved children. Effective prayer is linked directly to our inheritance –the kingdom of God that is pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay, an inheritance that is given for everyone. Through prayer we are recognising the reality of God’s kingdom, gaining confidence, standing tall in our new identity as chosen and beloved of God.
As we continue to read carefully through Matthew’s gospel, looking at all that Jesus said and did, we are taking note of who Jesus is, his character and the actions that flow from that. We note too that Jesus is teaching disciples; disciples who will continue to demonstrate that the kingdom of God is among us until that day when Jesus returns.
Continuing the series ‘All that Jesus said and did’ Peter Cunliffe speaks from Matthew 14:22-34
Peter Cunliffe addresses the rejection of Jesus at Nazareth, and the perceived ordinariness of Jesus, as an encouragement for all would-be disciples of Jesus to exercise the authority that Jesus gives to us.
Drag nets and storerooms N.B. The introduction to this talk is missing.
This sermon was not recorded; the closest are the notes attached here. Some reflections on Psalm 23 prior to the APCM
Last week we ended with Jesus’ denunciation of the people through his little parable of the children at play, as we continue to read in Matthew the denunciation becomes sharper. In these five verses of Matt 11:20-24 there is a double warning, explanation and comparison of the story of judgement on towns in Israel’s past […]