All that Jesus said and did – Matthew 10:1-16 (11am address)
Matthew 10:1-16 ‘Team Talk’ at the first all together worship service of 2016. Jesus calls his disciples together before sending them out.
Matthew 10:1-16 ‘Team Talk’ at the first all together worship service of 2016. Jesus calls his disciples together before sending them out.
Jesus first calls his disciples together before sending them out with his authority. Listen to the end for a summary of God’s plan and purpose.
A short all-age talk – 1 John The incarnation, God with us – the intimate presence of God as life, light and glory.
The gift of eternal life is not ultimately a passport to heaven but a participation in new creation that breaks into our present reality with a completely new reality –the kingdom of God in which we participate as the holy people of God, full of grace and truth. Matthew 24:32-44; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Peter Cunliffe speaks from the lectionary texts of Advent Sunday about having confidence in God’s word and so not fearing the news because the ‘Good News’ which is the gospel is of new creation and Christ’s return as king.
Peter Cunliffe speaks from Romans 3. Everyone has sinned, we fail to reach the mark. There are different ideas about sin; at sin’s root is the fundamental unbelief, distrust and rejection of God and the human displacement of God as the centre of reality; but apart from the fact that sin separates us from God and […]
Peter Cunliffe speaks from Hebrews 13: 9-21 about God as the source of grace.
God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church. Ephesians 1:22 Christ’s church, this body of people, benefit not only by what Jesus Christ has done for us on the cross, but also that he has made us into a […]
Jesus doesn’t say, Being a disciple will be easy, or undemanding, but what he does say is that he will equip and be with us, he will give us all we need. The call to discipleship is the call to be like Christ, including being treated like Christ. So we need to hear Jesus saying to us “Don’t be afraid.”
Easter 2015 Here are the notes of Peter’s address to the 9 am congregation on Easter Day in lieu of a partial recording.