Talks tagged with ‘Old Testament’

3136 of 36 items

Encountering God in relationship


Second in a series on prayer.  After reading Galatians 3:26-4:7 and John 10:7-16 Allen talks about prayer in other religions – naming three and the difference with Christian prayer.  He speaks about his own personal experience and how he takes time for prayer today.

All that Jesus said and did – Matthew 14:22-36


As we continue to read carefully through Matthew’s gospel, looking at all that Jesus said and did, we are taking note of who Jesus is, his character and the actions that flow from that. We note too that Jesus is teaching disciples; disciples who will continue to demonstrate that the kingdom of God is among us until that day when Jesus returns.

Advent Sunday


Peter Cunliffe speaks from the lectionary texts of Advent Sunday about having confidence in God’s word and so not fearing the news because the ‘Good News’ which is the gospel is of new creation and Christ’s return as king.
