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All that Jesus said and did – Matthew 14:22-36


As we continue to read carefully through Matthew’s gospel, looking at all that Jesus said and did, we are taking note of who Jesus is, his character and the actions that flow from that. We note too that Jesus is teaching disciples; disciples who will continue to demonstrate that the kingdom of God is among us until that day when Jesus returns.

Grace – the atonement as the work of grace


Peter Cunliffe  speaks from Romans 3. Everyone has sinned, we fail to reach the mark. There are different ideas about sin; at sin’s root is the fundamental unbelief, distrust and rejection of God and the human displacement of God as the centre of reality; but apart from the fact that sin separates us from God and […]

Grace – it’s not about you


Allen Foster begins a series on grace as we consider the ‘basis  of our faith’ this term.  The principle reading for this talk is Ephesians 2:1-10.  Allen, who is an ‘eye doctor’ shares some wonderful illustrations from his work in Africa. Click the link to SoundCloud if you can’t hear it here.

Looking through the Cross (talk at 11am)

The Resurrection is a clarion call to the truth: life is God’s gift not until inevitable decay but for life in an eternal NewCreation. The price that God has paid for our salvation was through self-sacrifice but can only be redeemed by our own willingness to die to self. Resurrectional-life embodies & empowers the destiny of God’s people as divine-image-bearers from now and forever.
