Talks tagged with ‘forgiveness’

2128 of 28 items

Don’t be afraid


Jesus doesn’t say, Being a disciple will be easy, or undemanding, but what he does say is that he will equip and be with us, he will give us all we need. The call to discipleship is the call to be like Christ, including being treated like Christ. So we need to hear Jesus saying to us “Don’t be afraid.”

Looking through the Cross (talk at 11am)

The Resurrection is a clarion call to the truth: life is God’s gift not until inevitable decay but for life in an eternal NewCreation. The price that God has paid for our salvation was through self-sacrifice but can only be redeemed by our own willingness to die to self. Resurrectional-life embodies & empowers the destiny of God’s people as divine-image-bearers from now and forever.

Jesus heals a paralyzed man

In this remarkable account, Jesus dramatic ability to fully heal a paralysed man demonstrates his authority to forgive sins, something only God can do. Jesus Christ has this divine authority today – the ability to free us from the power, guilt and eternal consequences of our sin
