Children of Abraham
Gerald Barrett speaks from John 8:31-41, 48-59 about how children of Abraham find their identity in Christ.
Gerald Barrett speaks from John 8:31-41, 48-59 about how children of Abraham find their identity in Christ.
Genesis 16. Peter draws parallels between Abram and Hagar, Daniel and Nebuchadnezer, and the church and culture today. Faith and faithfulness require wisdom in assimilation, accommodation and holiness in our culture today. After waiting 10 years Abram and Sarai turn away from the promise of God to the practices of their culture. The results bring […]
Genesis 15 Rosie recaps the journey of Abram from Ur to Haran, and on to Egypt. Leaving Egypt Abram meets with God who cuts a one-sided extraordinary covenant which culminates in the sacrifice of God in our stead.
This passage in our series in Matthew’s Gospel was saved for Palm Sunday. the proceeding passages may be found as earlier recordings.
Coming immediately after Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem we hear his welcome of the least and the outcast, are reminded that the Temple was the place of God’s indwelling, and that its rightful purpose was being abused. As temples of God’s Holy Spirit the Believer is reminded that blessing comes when we use our bodies […]
Peter introduces Timothy and Paul’s first letter to Timothy. This was the first in a twice monthly evening series. First Timothy was read as a whole by Anbu Hoole and is included in this recording. The focus of Paul’s letter is found in 1 Timothy 3:14-15 – conduct in the household of God – the […]
In this all-age talk Peter asks: In what do we put our trust? How selectively do we view the commands of God?
This short talk addresses how Jesus talks about exercising admonition and encouragement of one another to walk the way of Christ in the context of the ‘little ones’ and ‘forgiveness’.
Looking out for one another in the church – the family of God, is like looking out for the “little ones” in the Kingdom of heaven which Matthew records early in chapter 18. After a lengthy pre-amble not recorded here Peter urges the church family to take note of those who appear missing from Sunday […]
A short message about the need to help one another live a life of holiness by exploring and noting the “little ones” earlier in the context of Jesus talking to his disciples about the “little child” and the “lost sheep” in Matthew 18. Matthew 18:15-20