Sermon Archive

161170 of 250 items



Christ the King Sunday, Peter speaks about the plea of the thief on the cross.  The lectionary for this Sunday was Colossians 1:11-20 and Luke 23:37-43.  With thanks to Scott Hoezee of Calvin Theological Seminary for inspiration. The kingdom of God is expressed now whenever the People of God live lives that reflect the desire, purpose […]

Practice: Daily Prayer


Last in a series on prayer.  Gerald Barrett speaks about the habit of prayer using the acronym ACTS Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24, Daniel 6:3-12 Having a conscious reference to God and a daily habit

Struggle: asking God’s help


The text for Liz Pinnock’s sermon were: James 5:13-18 and John 14:5-14  This is the eighth in a series on prayer. Supplication – a cry for help, for yourself, for others and for the world.  Balancing the purpose of petitionary prayer -your kingdom come’ and to align our hearts with God – ‘your will be […]

Awe: praising the Lord, part 2

Praise refers to ur positive responses to the revelation of God’s person that he has given in nature and Scripture; thanksgiving is praising God for what he has done; the two are intimately connected. Psalm 136:1-9, 26; Psalm 145.

Awe: praising the Lord, part 1

Praise refers to ur positive responses to the revelation of God’s person that he has given in nature and Scripture; thanksgiving is praising God for what he has done; the two are intimately connected. Psalm 136:1-9, 26; Psalm 145.

Intimacy: finding God’s grace


Fifth in our series on prayer. The following Scriptures were read: 1 John 1:5- 2:6; Luke 12:1-10 At the end of his talk Allen leads in prayer.  You may wish to pause the playback to engage with the prayer yourself.

Praying for ourselves


Fourth in a series on prayer. The following we read Matthew 6:5-14 and Psalm 25 Rosie spoke about the praying for ourselves highlighted by seven ‘keys’. Listen for more . . .

Conversing with God


Third in our series on prayer. Readings were from Psalm 86:1-17 and Colossians 3:1-4 Peter speaks about prayers as like answering speech and our need to respond first to what God has spoken.  To familiarise ourselves with prayer as answering speech we need to immerse ourselves in the God speech as we find it expressed in the […]

Encountering God in relationship


Second in a series on prayer.  After reading Galatians 3:26-4:7 and John 10:7-16 Allen talks about prayer in other religions – naming three and the difference with Christian prayer.  He speaks about his own personal experience and how he takes time for prayer today.
