Carol Service Address 2014
Our Christmas theme for 2014 was “Tidings of Comfort and Joy”, Revd Peter Cunliffe addresses the congregation at our annual carol service.
Our Christmas theme for 2014 was “Tidings of Comfort and Joy”, Revd Peter Cunliffe addresses the congregation at our annual carol service.
Tim Wetherfield addresses the 11am congregation
Allen Foster summaries where we have got so far in looking at all that Jesus said and did as recorded by Matthew in his gospel.
Reading this today, from a perspective of the whole story, we can see the parallel of Jesus as the heavenly bridegroom. There is a very real sense in which the life of the church is meant to model something of heaven on earth. Being a disciple of Jesus is not a compliment to being British or even C of E, it is a radical new identity. Salvation is not a patching up of an old garment but to receive a royal robe of righteousness, a seamless garment of eternal glory. Salvation is the best of all wines, the bringer not of the biggest hang-over you ever had but the fullest of everlasting joy.
From the series “All that Jesus said and did” in Matthew’s Gospel. Matthew 8: 28-34
Goal of Christian life is Christ-likeness Every trait developed in us that reflects character of Jesus is fruit pleasing God.