All that Jesus said and did – Matthew 16:28-17:13
Hot-crossed buns! Parallels between the Transfiguration and the Cross, and mountain top theophanies
Hot-crossed buns! Parallels between the Transfiguration and the Cross, and mountain top theophanies
The Cost of the Kingdom. “Who do you say that I am?” Jesus. What’s our world view – earthly or heavenly?
Jesus asks his disciples, ‘Who do people say that I am? and then ‘Who do you say that I am?’.
Let’s not get confused by the bread, fake news or alternative ‘facts’. What has this encounter between Jesus and the religious hi-brow got to teach us today?
The sign of Jonah. Claire explores the demand for a sign by the Pharisees and Sadducees and asks us to look out for the way God acts in unexpected ways
Three-day seminar. Kate Baker explores the difference in the two ‘feeding’ accounts, a reflection on ‘mountains’ beginning with a story about ‘this week’ in the year.
Allen explores the geographical and historical context of the ‘Magi” as ‘king-makers’ of the East who come looking for a new-born king. Following the text of Matthew’s Gospel he leads on to ask what the message is for us today. Matthew’s emphasis is Jesus, King of te Jews. Our challenge is enthroning Jesus as ‘king of our lives’ each day. Herod wasn’t concerned to travel 7 ml to Bethlehem, the Magi travelled may be 1700 ml.
If we enthrone Jesus will we give him our treasure? What is our attitude to our possessions? Will we bring our praise and prayer and finally, dying to self, bring our lives?
Peter Cunliffe, speaking from Numbers 6: 22-27, encourages us to exercise the power of blessing from the outset of the New Year 2017
Lorna speaks about John the Baptist. The Bible passage were Isaiah 35:1-10 and Matthew 17:10-13
Liz speaks from Isaiah 11:1-10, Matthew 17:10-13 and the impact of an encounter on the streets of Cambridge about what equality looks like, prophetic voices and the hope of a new king.