I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
Nick Greatorex-Davies speaks about this “I am” saying of Jesus from John 14:1-14 and Hebrews 1:1-14 at a joint service with both our 9am and 11am congregations.
Nick Greatorex-Davies speaks about this “I am” saying of Jesus from John 14:1-14 and Hebrews 1:1-14 at a joint service with both our 9am and 11am congregations.
Rosie Cunliffe speaks about Jesus saying “I am the gate” from John 10:1-10
Ruth Wall Ruth the programme leader for All Nations’ en route and express courses speaks from Acts 16 about Paul’s mission as an epoch-making moment and the situation in the world today in a similar way.
The claim that Jesus makes in verse 12 is an uncompromising one. He is the light of the world who alone reveals the Father of light. There is however a wonderful invitation inherent in Jesus claim, and that invitation is not based on anything we might do other that professing that Jesus is Lord, that invitation is that
If you follow me, whoever you are, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”
Our Christmas theme for 2014 was “Tidings of Comfort and Joy”, Revd Peter Cunliffe addresses the congregation at our annual carol service.
Tim Wetherfield addresses the 11am congregation
Allen Foster summaries where we have got so far in looking at all that Jesus said and did as recorded by Matthew in his gospel.
Trish Latimer speaks of Mary from Luke 1:26-38 on the 4th Sunday of Advent
Here in these eight verses of Matthew’s account of the words and action of Jesus we find Jesus being interrupted, not once but twice. The first request is about as serious as it gets, the second in Jesus hierarchy of values just as much so. There is a very real dilemma here; well there might be if you or I were in the same situation. Two things come to mind. The first has to do with the authority that Jesus has and has given us, and the second, that God’s sovereignty is over time and the timing of these competing demands. That God is sovereign will result in glory to him even when from a human perspective it seems least likely.
Reading this today, from a perspective of the whole story, we can see the parallel of Jesus as the heavenly bridegroom. There is a very real sense in which the life of the church is meant to model something of heaven on earth. Being a disciple of Jesus is not a compliment to being British or even C of E, it is a radical new identity. Salvation is not a patching up of an old garment but to receive a royal robe of righteousness, a seamless garment of eternal glory. Salvation is the best of all wines, the bringer not of the biggest hang-over you ever had but the fullest of everlasting joy.