Sermon Archive

7180 of 250 items

Easter Day zoom


This third Zoom service was over subscribed.  “Sorry” to those who did not get in.  We will make the narrow gate a little wider for next Sunday. We had about 150+ people in all on 100 devices. Here is a taster with Peter’s address from John 20;  ‘Recognising You’ by Amy Scott Robinson, Richard Lyall of […]

Palm Sunday

This partial recording of our second Zoom Church gives a flavour of virtual church with snippets of the worship songs, the reading of Scripture (Zechariah 9:9-16), the prayers, participation by others and a narrative ‘sermon’ of Palm Sunday given by Jan Smith -ordinand for St James’ Church and Deaf Church.

Clay Pots

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Zoom Church A recording of part of our first ‘Zoom’ gathering with members of St Margaret’s and St James’ congregation. We read from 2 Corinthians 4:5b-18.  With Rosie and Peter reflecting on the Scripture. Interview with the Latimer family in the first week of lockdown.

8. ‘Courage to care’ Nehemiah


Last in our series ‘Trusting God’ from the book of Nehemiah.  The message from Nehemiah is far more than rebuilding a wall but about restoring a relationship with God and between people.  Deuteronomy 15 – there should be no poor among you. Three ways to remember lessons from Nehemiah Prayer Care Share 200315 March 2020 […]

7. ‘When opposition comes’ Nehemiah


After recapping the series – a journey in ‘trusting God’ in the face of opposition, Mark Enzer speaks from Nehemiah 4:1-6 about the inevitability of opposition when doing God’s business. Here the focus is on prayer followed by practical action,  it’s a both and. Prayer did not make the enemy go away – the enemy […]

6. ‘Casting the vision’ Nehemiah


Seeing work as part of our vision is key. Nehemiah 2:17 – 3:5  Allen Foster speaks about people from all walks of life coming together as 42 teams working to side-by-side to build the walls, gate and towers of Jerusalem; emphasising that this is God’s work through Nehemiah’s plan. Psalm 127:1 1. God’s work, our […]

5. ‘A personal commitment’ Nehemiah


Readings from Nehemiah 2:9-16 and John 21:15-17. Tim recapped the story and lessons learned from Nehemiah previously and  looked at five features of Nehemiah’s commitment: hopeful, boldness, preparedness, interdependence and focus.  He drew out features of the story mirrored in the Gospel story.

3. ‘A Radical Faith’ Nehemiah


Peter explores the first three verses of the book of Nehemiah chapter 2 in which the king notices Nehemiah’s countenance and he takes the risky step of explaining the sadness of his heart.

2. ‘A broken spirit’ Nehemiah


Briefly setting the context of the story of Nehemiah, Rosie Cunliffe speaks about Nehemiah’s attitude to prayer, how he prays and his expectations about God. Before all else Nehemiah is committed to pray. Nehemiah 1:5-11.
